Do Betta Fish Need a Bubbler? (Oxygen Requirement)

do betta fish need a bubbler

Betta fish have been a staple in the aquarium hobby. Due to their popularity and availability, variations in tank setup have evolved. Some betta tanks are large, while others are small (like a fish bowl). Some are adorned with embellishments (like plastic decorations), while others use live aquatic plants. Some tanks are compartmentalized with no … Read more

Australian Rainbow Fish: Size, Care & Tank Mates

australian rainbow fish

Fish owners prefer to keep their tanks as vibrant as possible. The aesthetic attractiveness of aquariums is significant despite the fact that there’s a great deal of love for growing fish. There are many different ways to add color to tanks. One option is to use lighting techniques and decorations. Also, some aquarists advise adding … Read more

Betta Bubble Nest: Everything You Need to Know

betta bubble nest

With their amazing colors, unique behavior, and remarkable intelligence, Betta fish make excellent additions to any aquarium. But there’s one more thing that Bettas are known for: Betta bubble nests. jAny serious Betta fishkeeper should know all about betta bubble nests. These nests are fascinating and complex structures, with plenty of interesting details betta owners … Read more

Can You Put a Male and Female Betta Together?

can male and female betta fish live together

For both experienced and novice aquarium owners alike, bettas are among the most popular choices of fish to keep due to their beautiful appearance and their low maintenance requirements. However, they are known as “Siamese fighting fish” for good reason – and this is due to their aggressive nature when faced with others of their … Read more

13 Most Popular & Beautiful Tang Fish Types

types of tang fish

Did you know there are over 80 different types of tang fish in the ocean? Tangs come in very many different colors & patterns, enough to cover the entire rainbow spectrum and then some. But as attractive as these marine fish are, they can be quite expensive and hard to come by. Maybe you want … Read more

Guppies and Mollies: Can Live Peacefully Together

Guppies and Mollies Live Together

Mollies and guppies are among the most common aquarium fish around the world, and they’re especially popular with novice aquarium owners due to their low maintenance requirements, their placid temperaments and their vivid, attractive colors. However, one question many people ask is, can they be kept together in the same tank? To help you understand … Read more

Goldfish with Red Spots: Causes and Treatments

goldfish red spot

Goldfish have been the subject of selective breeding. Some characteristics are isolated to produce desired traits. It is why goldfish have several color combinations, body shapes, scale types, and an assortment of fin designs. But how about red spots? Are they a product of selective breeding? Why do they disappear and reappear after some time? … Read more

Fish Swimming in Circles: 10 Reasons

why is my fish swimming in circles

Maybe you’ve noticed your fish swim in circular motions. Is it normal? Is this something you should worry about? It is not uncommon for fish to cruise in circles. There could be many different causes of this odd behavior. For example, males can behave this way when protecting their territory. Sometimes the reasons can be … Read more

3 Types of Tiny White Worms in Aquarium

White Worms in Aquarium

Perhaps one day you noticed small white worms floating around or sitting in the substrate in your tank, but you’re unsure what to do because you don’t recognize them. In this article, we’ll be looking at the different types of white worms you may encounter, whether they’re good for your fish, and, if not, what … Read more