11 Stunning Types of Rasbora for Beginners

types of Rasbora

Rasboras are tropical Cyprinidae species native to different parts of Southeast Asia. They rank among the most stunning, vibrant, and calm tiny fish for aquariums at home. Rasbora has a lot of varieties, so it’s wise to learn about the different kinds before owning one. The majority of rasboras are omnivorous, while some choose to … Read more

Betta Fish Tank Setup: What to Put In?

betta fish tank setup

Rocking mesmerizing colors, long flowing fins, and unique personalities, Betta Fish (also known as Siamese fighting fish) are perhaps the most popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts. Bettas trace their origin back to the shallow waters of Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam. They stand out because they can survive in different environments. Because of this, some individuals … Read more

Is My Aquarium Snail Dead? 7 Ways To Check

How to Tell If an Aquarium Snail Is Dead

Did you wake up to check on your aquarium only to find that your snail is not moving? Are you panicking and wondering if the snail is dead? Do you worry you might have caused it, or are you concerned about what made the snail die naturally? Regardless, do not worry, this is a very … Read more

Balloon Molly Fish: Appearance, Types & Care

Balloon Molly Fish

Balloon molly fish is a freshwater species that can be found in many tropical aquariums. What makes this little fish popular is that it is cute, peaceful, as well as easy to breed and care for. With charming behaviors and nice colors, a couple of balloon mollies can keep watchers engrossed for hours. Mollies are … Read more

7 Reasons Why Do Fish Jump out Of Tank

why do fish jump out of tank

If you house several fish species in your freshwater tank, you may have witnessed them jumping out of their tank. In their natural environment, fish often dive to get away from danger and move to a different area. But, if your pet fish try to do the same in their tank, they will fall on … Read more