7 Humane Ways to Euthanize a Fish at Home

how to euthanize a fish

As a fish owner, it is unfortunate to know that euthanasia is essentially part of the job. Learning how to euthanize your fish humanely is a skill you will have to master if you are planning on becoming a long-term fish owner, be it as a hobbyist, pet owner, or researcher. How you euthanize your … Read more

How Long Do Different Cichlid Species Live?

African Cichlid

African waterways including Tanzania and Tumbuka are the habitat of a huge community of species called African cichlids. Cichlid subspecies are available in a number of bright hues and are common tank animals. The lifespan of these bright, appealing cichlids is from 6 to 10 years. It represents a normal cichlid lifetime; however, it varies … Read more

How Many Cherry Shrimp Per Gallon? Ideal Stocking Density

Cherry Shrimp

Being tiny, peaceful and colorful, Cherry Shrimps are fast becoming a popular aquarium pet. Aside from being an ornamental shrimp that greatly improves the aesthetic beauty of your tank, this crustacean (being an algae-eater) is also used to naturally control the growth of unwanted algae. In my years of being an aquarist, what I have … Read more

What are Bristle Worms? Are They Harmful?

Bristle Worms

Perhaps one day you came across a bristle worm in your fish tank, but without any prior knowledge, you’re now unsure what to do with it. In this article, we’ll go into detail on what bristle worms are, what impacts they can have on your tank, and what you should do about them if you … Read more

Brown Hair Algae: How To Manage Them?

Brown Hair Algae

Hair algae in general are prolific species. With the right conditions, they will grow and rapidly multiply. I personally experienced the hair algae’s fertile behavior after I came back from a month-long vacation. Before I left the house, my 20-gallon tank was aesthetically beautiful with the splendid greenery of live aquatic plants. But when I … Read more

Platy and Molly: Similarities and Differences

Platy and Molly

Because of their bright colors and high activity, mollies and platies are highly sought after by both amateurs and professionals but, due to their similar appearances at first glance, they can sometimes be difficult to differentiate. In this article, we’ll be going over the similarities and differences between the appearances, origins, and behavior of these … Read more

How to Clean Fish Tank Gravel?

How to Clean Fish Tank Gravel

Cleaning your fish tank gravel is an important part of aquarium maintenance. All the fish waste, uneaten food, and dirt that falls to the bottom of the substrate aren’t going to disappear by themselves! That’s why you need to remove it manually or with a gravel vacuum. And to help you know the right way … Read more

How Much Are Axolotls: Complete Axolotl Care Cost Guide

How Much Do Axolotls Cost

Axolotls are intelligent, interesting, and adorable aquarium pets that are easy to care for. But they can be different from the creatures that many aquarists are used to, and their relative obscurity can make planning difficult. Axolotls have specific care requirements that impact your finances. If you want to have the best experience, you’ll want … Read more