Koi Betta Fish: Care & Types Guide

Koi Bettas

Because of their beauty and personality, bettas are some of the most well-loved pets in the aquarium hobby. Plus, with all the different Betta variants out there, you can surely find something that will strike your fancy. One of the newer variants that are taking the aquarist hobby by storm is called the koi betta, … Read more

Do Fish Have Brains? How Do They Function?

Do Fish Have Brains

Perhaps you’ve one day wondered whether fish, especially the small ones we tend to buy for our aquariums, have brains since they’re so small and seemingly simple-minded. In this article, we’ll take a look at the anatomy of fish to see if they have brains, and, if so, what their functions are. Fish do have … Read more

13 Best Aquarium Plants for a Sandy Substrate

aquarium plants for sand

Perhaps when you first set up your aquarium, you chose sand as your substrate, and are now wondering what type of plants would work best in it. In this article, I’ll be showing you the top aquarium plants that are most suitable for a sandy substrate so that you can quickly set your tank up … Read more

9 Best Small Fish for 1 Gallon Tank: Long Term & Short Term

Small Fish for 1 Gallon Tank

Experienced aquarists will tell you there are no fish for one-gallon tanks or fish bowls. Five-gallons tanks are the recommended minimum for even the tiniest single aquarium fish. This standard is because tanks under five gallons cannot shield the fish from dangerous chemical buildups and fluctuations in water parameters, i.e., pH, temperature, ammonia, etc. You … Read more

Can Peaceful Ghost Shrimp Live With Bettas?

Can Peaceful Ghost Shrimp Live with Bettas?

Housed in a splendid 20-gallon tank, Betty, my betta fish, is an attraction in my house. Whenever friends come to visit me, they always spend time with Betty. They usually pull a chair and sit down near the tank while being mesmerized by its long decorative fins. During Betty’s 1st birthday, my friend passed by … Read more

12 Fish With Legs: Unique Walking Fish

Fish with Legs

There are many unsolved mysteries on earth. Even if we’ve spent our whole lives studying that fish are a type of animal that swim with their fins and tails, you must have imagined a fish having legs at some point. Haven’t you? Although it might look like a fantasy, this is actually a real concept. … Read more

Can Guppies Live With Bettas? (Yes & How)

Can Guppies Live With Bettas

Bettas are undeniably beautiful, but they’re extremely territorial — making them the complete opposite of the relatively docile Guppies. Many aquarists say that these two species shouldn’t be kept together, but how true is this? In this article, we’ll answer all the questions you have about guppies and Bettas. Can these two kinds of fish … Read more

Best Angelfish Tank Size: Ideal Tank Size Chart

Angelfish Tank Size

Angelfish are a type of freshwater cichlid that is native to South America. These beautiful fish are iconic for their vibrant colors and interesting patterns, which makes it unsurprising that many people want to keep them as pets. But before you go out and buy one, it’s important to make sure that you have a … Read more

How to Get Rid of Algae in the Fish Tank?

How to Get Rid of Algae in the Fish Tank

Good lighting and the right nutrient level. These are some of the conditions needed, not just for our fish, but also for algae to grow. This is why your tank bed and the wall are sometimes overgrown with small moss-like plants. The growth of algae in a fish tank is inevitable. As long as there … Read more