How to Keep Fish Tank Clean: 15 Easy Methods

How to Keep Fish Tank Clean

Educating fish owners, hobbyists, and traders about the importance of tank maintenance still remains the most effective way of increasing aquarium fish mortality. This is because more fish in aquariums are killed by poor tank maintenance than any other causes, not even infectious diseases. Simple habits like cleaning the filters, regular water changes, and cleaning … Read more

Top 9 Most Common Cory Catfish Types

corydoras catfish

There are over 160 recorded species of Corydoras catfish in the market today. There are many more candidates in line being put under scrutiny and peer scientific review awaiting to join the pack. This means that there may be more Corydoras out there that we do not know about. Cory catfish is among the most … Read more

10 Most Aggressive Aquarium Fish & How To Deal With It

Aggressive Aquarium Fish

Many popular aquarium fish are very aggressive, including the tetras, Oscars, cichlids, and Jack Dempsey. Mixing these types of fish with incompatible peaceful species is among the leading causes of death in aquariums, which makes it ever so important to learn how to spot an aggressive species from a mile away. Aggression in aquarium fish … Read more

13 Best Live Plants for Guppies Tanks

plants for guppies

Guppies are one of the most popular aquarium fish. While growing only from 2-6 cm long, they are attractively colorful and multiply fast, thus earning them alternate names like the rainbowfish and the millionfish. The guppies we see for sale in pet shops are in large quantities, kept bare without plants, and that is why … Read more

Water for Betta Fish: 6 Parameters to Consider

water for betta fish

Bettas are one of the hardier fancy aquarium fish you can get, making them very suitable for beginners. This is because they are naturally a capable breed, having originated from water with less-than-ideal circumstances. But this doesn’t mean that Bettas can just live in any kind of water. While Bettas can tolerate a wide range … Read more

Rainbow Shark Care: Diet, Tank Setup, & More

What Does a Rainbow Shark Look Like

Rainbow sharks are beautiful and entertaining fish that has grown in popularity among aquarium lovers. Rainbow sharks are a fascinating addition to any household tank due to their stunning appearance and distinctive temperament. However, owning and caring for these fish involves a degree of understanding and responsibility. This article will cover everything about rainbow sharks … Read more

Elephant Ear Betta: Everything You Need to Know

Elephant Ear Betta Fish

Bettas are one of the most well-loved fishes in the aquarium-keeping hobby – and no wonder. They’re interesting, beautiful, and most importantly, there are all kinds of varieties available for everyone. One of the most popular varieties is the Elephant Ear Betta, a truly unique and beautiful spin on the species’ appearance that appeals to … Read more

Marimo Moss Ball Aquarium: Benefits & Care

marimo moss ball

Moss balls are often a great addition to one’s aquarium but don’t worry if you’re not familiar with them, as we’ll go over all there is to know about them in this article, including what they are exactly, their functionality, and how to care for them. Marimo moss balls, though resembling moss, are a rare … Read more