Goldfish with Red Spots: Causes and Treatments

goldfish red spot

Goldfish have been the subject of selective breeding. Some characteristics are isolated to produce desired traits. It is why goldfish have several color combinations, body shapes, scale types, and an assortment of fin designs. But how about red spots? Are they a product of selective breeding? Why do they disappear and reappear after some time? … Read more

Fish Swimming in Circles: 10 Reasons

why is my fish swimming in circles

Maybe you’ve noticed your fish swim in circular motions. Is it normal? Is this something you should worry about? It is not uncommon for fish to cruise in circles. There could be many different causes of this odd behavior. For example, males can behave this way when protecting their territory. Sometimes the reasons can be … Read more

18 Common Guppy Diseases: Reasons & Treatments

guppy diseases

Guppies sometimes referred to as million fish, are beloved aquatic animals that are recognized for their vivid colors and joyful temperament. Because of their resilience and versatility, they are a preferred option for both novice and professional fish keepers. Just like all biological creatures, guppies are vulnerable to a variety of illnesses that could make … Read more

10 Common Betta Fish Behaviors Before Death

betta fish behavior before death

Betta fish are a species of freshwater fish that live in rice paddies, slow-moving streams, and stagnant pools. They are known for their beautiful colors and their fighting ability. While Bettas are some of the most popular pet fish because of their beauty, they are not easy to care for. That’s because they often change … Read more

Fish at Bottom of Tank: Why & Solutions

fish on bottom of tank

Many newbie fishkeepers start to freak out when they find their pet fish still at the tank bottom. They believe there is a major issue. If fish are regularly seen lying near the bottom of the aquarium, it is considered natural behavior. You should look into the issue if this habit is new or is … Read more