Top 18 Types of Barb Fish: Ranked

barb fish types

Barb fish have been popular aquarium pets for many years, and they continue to be a favorite among fish keepers. These small, colorful fish are known for their active behavior and interesting personalities. With so many different species of Barb fish to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is right for … Read more

Goldfish Poop: What Should It Look Like?

goldfish poop

If you’re a goldfish keeper or are interested in taking up this rewarding hobby, there’s one thing you’ll have to learn about – and that’s goldfish poop. Goldfish poop is important since it can tell you all about the eating habits and health of your goldfish, allowing you to keep them in good health. And … Read more

Do Betta Fish Need Light? How Much Do They Need?

do betta fish like light

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are among the most popular pets worldwide. Their endearing personalities and vibrant colors make them a favorite among aquarists. But Betta fish also have very specific needs and preferences when it comes to their environment, one of which is the presence of light. There are many theories … Read more

How to Tell If A Molly Is Male or Female?

molly fish male and female

Mollies (Poecilia sphenops) are popular tropical aquarium fish that come in several colors, patterns, and sizes. Native to South and Central America, these fish are peaceful and easygoing, making them an ideal choice for novice and experienced aquarists alike. But before keeping a molly, it’s crucial to learn about its gender. This way, you can … Read more

14 Molly Fish Types: Colors, Fin & Tail Variants

molly fish types

Are you looking to add a Molly fish to your aquarium? Molly fish are a popular choice among aquarium hobbyists because of their attractive coloration, patterns, and ease of care. They belong to the Poeciliidae family and are native to the shallow water of North and South America. Most molly fish breeds can withstand a … Read more

Can Betta Fish Live in Tap Water? How To Treat?

Can Betta Fish Live In Tap Water

Betta fish are some of the most colorful, vibrant, and interesting fish that can be kept in an aquarium. They are an incredibly popular fish because of their beauty and ease of care. However, beginners to the hobby may require guidance during their initial stages of caretaking. One of the questions that often gets asked … Read more

Stressed Betta Fish: Causes, Signs & How To Help

Stressed Betta Fish

Siamese fighting fish sometimes referred to as betta fish, are a well-known aquarium species that are admired for their striking colors and distinctive personalities. But then, just like any other animal, betta fish can feel stress, which can impair their health and reduce their lives. In order to maintain the health and happiness of their … Read more

Halfmoon Betta Fish: Types & Care

Halfmoon Betta

Halfmoon Bettas are one of the most popular fishes in the aquarium hobby. Few other fishes have the same elegance, aesthetic appeal, and interesting personality that this species has. Not to mention that it can be a very hardy fish to keep. But no matter how beautiful and low-maintenance a fish is, you still need … Read more